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Electrolux Flymo Multi Trim 200 Handleiding pagina 5


I, the undersigned M. Bowden of Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham. DL5 6UP. Certify that the
Category........Electric Lawn Trimmer
Make..............Electrolux Outdoor Products
Conforms to the specifications of Directive
Type of Cutting Device..................Cutting Line
Identification of Series................... See Product Rating Label
Conformity Assessment Procedure....ANNEX VI
Notified Body.................................. I.T.S., Cleeve Road, Leatherhead,
Surrey. KT22 7SB England
Other Directives:-........................... 98/37/EEC, 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC
& applicable standards:-.............. EN786, IEC60335-1, IEC60335-2-91, EN61000-3-2,
EN61000-3-3, EN55014-1, EN55014-2
Ich, der Unterzeichner M. Bowden of Electrolux
Outdoor Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham. DL5 6UP. Bescheinigung,
dass das Produkt:-
Fabrikat.......Electrolux Outdoor Products
die Spezifikationen der Direktive
2000/14/EG erfüllt
Identifizierung der reihe....................... Siehe Produkttypenschild
Konformitätsbestätigungsverfahren...ANNEX VI
Benachrichtigte Behörde.................... I.T.S., Cleeve Road, Leatherhead,
Andere Direktiven-...........................98/37/EEC, 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC
und Normen:-....................................... EN786, IEC60335-1, IEC60335-2-91, EN61000-3-2,
EN61000-3-3, EN55014-1, EN55014-2
Je soussigné M. Bowden of Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham. DL5 6UP. Certifie que ce
Catégorie.....Coupe-bordure électrique
Marque........Electrolux Outdoor Products
est conforme aux spécifications de la Directive
Type d'outil de coupe................... Fil de coupe
Identification de la serie................ Voir la Plaquette D'identification
Procédure d'évaluation de la conformité........ANNEX VI
Organisme notifié.......................... I.T.S., Cleeve Road, Leatherhead,
Surrey. KT22 7SB England
Autres directives............................ 98/37/EEC, 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC
et aux normes................................ EN786, IEC60335-1, IEC60335-2-91, EN61000-3-2,
EN61000-3-3, EN55014-1, EN55014-2
Ik, ondergetekende M. Bowden of Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham. DL5 6UP. Verklaren dat
het product:-
Categorie....... Elektrische gazonmaaier
Merk............... Electrolux Outdoor Products
Voldoet aan de specificaties van directief
Type maaier................................... Snijdraad
Identificatie van serie.................... Zie Productlabel
Procedure voor het beoordelen van conformiteit..........ANNEX VI
Op de hoogte gestelde instantie..I.T.S., Cleeve Road, Leatherhead,
Surrey. KT22 7SB England
Andere directieven.........................98/37/EEC, 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC
en aan de volgende normen....... EN786, IEC60335-1, IEC60335-2-91, EN61000-3-2,
EN61000-3-3, EN55014-1, EN55014-2
Undertegnede, M. Bowden of Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham. DL5 6UP. Attesterer at
Kategori..........Elektrisk plenklipper
Merke............. Electrolux Outdoor Products
Svarer til spesifikasjonene i Direktiv 2000/14/EEC
Type klippeinnretning............ Snittlinje
Serieidentifikasjon................. Se Produktets Klassifiseringsetikett
Prosedyre for konformitetsvurdering.........ANNEX VI
Etat det er meldt fra til...........I.T.S., Cleeve Road, Leatherhead,
Surrey. KT22 7SB England
Andre direktiver..................... 98/37/EEC, 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC
og standarder........................ EN786, IEC60335-1, IEC60335-2-91, EN61000-
3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN55014-1, EN55014-2
I, the undersigned M. Bowden of Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham. DL5 6UP Certify that a
sample of the above product has been tested using
directive 81/1051/EEC as a guide. The maximum A-
weighted sound pressure level recorded at operator
position under free field semi anechoic chamber con-
ditions was :-
Ich, der Unterzeichner M. Bowden, Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON AYCLIFFE,
Co. Durham, DL5 6UP, bescheinige hiermit, daß eine
Probe des obigen Produkts getestet wurde und dabei
Direktive 81/1051/EWG als Richtschnur verwendet
wurde. Der maximale A-gewichtete Schalldruckpegel,
der an der Bedienerposition unter Freifeld-Halbschalltot-
Kammerbedingungen gemessen wurde, betrug:-
Surrey. KT22 7SB England
Je soussigné M. Bowden, Electrolux Outdoor Products,
Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON AYCLIFFE, Co.
Durham, DL5 6UP, Grande-Bretagne, certifie qu'un
échantillon du produit ci-dessus a été essayé selon les
indications de la directive 81/1051/EEC. Le niveau
maximum pondéré de pression acoustique enregistré à
la position de l'opérateur en champ libre en chambre
demi-sourde était de:-
Ik, ondergetekende M. Bowden, Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham, DL5 6UP, verklaar hierbij dat
een proefexemplaar van het bovengenoemde product
is getest volgens richtlijn 81/1051/EEC. Het maximale
A-belaste geluidsdrukniveau dat is geregistreerd bij de
positie van de bediener in een semi geluiddichte
ruimte bij vrije veld condities bedraagt:-
Undertegnede, M. Bowden, Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham, DL5 6UP bevitner at en
prøve av ovennevnte produkt er testet, med direktiv
81/1051/EEC som rettledning. Maksimum A-belastede
lydtrykksnivå, registrert ved brukerens plassering,
under fritt felt halvveis ekkofritt kammerforhold, var :-
I, the undersigned M. Bowden of Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham. DL5 6UP Certify that a
sample of the above product has been tested using
ISO 5349 as a guide. The maximum weighted root
mean square value of vibration recorded at opera-
tor's hand position was:-
Type............................................................................................... A
Width of Cut................................................................................... B
Speed of Rotation of Cutting Device............................................. C
Guaranteed sound power level...................................................... D
Measured Sound Power Level.......................................................E
Value.............................................................................................. G
Weight............................................................................................ H
Ich, der Unterzeichner M. Bowden, Electrolux
Outdoor Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham, DL5 6UP, bescheinige hier-
mit, daß eine Probe des obigen Produkts getestet
wurde und dabei ISO 5349 als Richtschnur verwen-
det wurde. Der maximale gewichtete
Vibrationseffektivwert, der an der Handposition des
Bedieners gemessen wurde, betrug:-
Typ.................................................................................................. A
Schnittbreite................................................................................... B
Umdrehungsgeschwindigkeit des Schneidwerks...........................C
Garantierter Geräuschpegel.......................................................... D
Gemessener Geräuschpegel......................................................... E
Höhe ...............................................................................................F
Gewicht.......................................................................................... H
Je soussigné M. Bowden, Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham, DL5 6UP, Grande-
Bretagne, certifie qu'un échantillon du produit ci-
dessus a été essayé selon les indications de la
norme ISO 5349. La moyenne quadratique pondérée
des vibrations enregistrées à la position de la main
de l'opérateur était de:-
Type............................................................................................... A
Largeur de coupe...........................................................................B
Vitesse de rotation de l'outil de coupe........................................... C
Niveau garanti de puissance sonore............................................. D
Niveau mesuré de puissance sonore............................................ E
Niveau............................................................................................ F
Valeur............................................................................................. G
Poids.............................................................................................. H
Ik, ondergetekende M. Bowden, Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham, DL5 6UP, verklaar hierbij
dat een proefexemplaar van het bovengenoemde
product is getest volgens ISO 5349 als richtlijn. De
maximale belaste effectieve waarde van trilling,
geregistreerd bij de positie van de hand van de bedi-
ener, bedraagt:-
Type............................................................................................... A
Maaibreedte................................................................................... B
Toerental maaier............................................................................ C
Gegarandeerd geluidsvermogen................................................... D
Gemeten geluidsvermogen............................................................ E
Niveau............................................................................................ F
Gewicht.......................................................................................... H
Undertegnede, M. Bowden, Electrolux Outdoor
Products, Aycliffe Industrial Park, NEWTON
AYCLIFFE, Co. Durham, DL5 6UP bevitner at en
prøve av ovennevnte produkt er testet, med direktiv
ISO 5349 som rettledning. Maksimum belastede
effektivverdi av vibrering, registrert ved plasseringen
av brukerens hånd, var:-
Type............................................................................................... A
Klippebredde.................................................................................. B
Klippeinnretningens rotasjonshastighet......................................... C
Garantert lydkraftnivå ................................................................... D
Målt lydkraftnivå............................................................................. E
Nivå................................................................................................ F
Verdi............................................................................................... G
Vekt................................................................................................ H



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