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Physical Functions; Logic Functions; Decoder Functions And Cv Settings - Marklin Digital 60978 Handleiding


• All of the functions can be controlled according to the
function mapping (see CV description).
• For additional information, see the CV table, DCC protocol,
and on the Internet (see Physical Functions for the address).
We recommend that in general programming should be done
on the programming track.

Physical Functions

Each of these functions must be connected externally to the
circuit board. We therefore speak of physical functions. A
unique mode/effect can be assigned to each physical output
(AUX / lights) in digital operation. Four CVs are available for
each output for this purpose. Only one mode/effect can be
set for each output. A complete table for this can be found on
the Internet at:

Logic Functions

Since these functions are only executed by software, no
physical output is required for them. We therefore speak
here of a logic function.
Acceleration/Braking Delay
• The acceleration and braking time can be set separately
from each other.
• The logic function ABV can be assigned to any function
button by using the function mapping.
Switching Range (RG)
• The switching range causes a reduction in the current
speed of the locomotive. This allows a fine touch in the
controlling the locomotive. The switching range can be
assigned in mfx and DCC to any function button by using
the function mapping. Setting the switching range (see
CV 145, page 48 or the mfx menu in the Central Station).
Station Announcement
The locomotive does not go until after the announcement
has ended.
Opening Doors / Closing Doors
The locomotive does not start running as long as the func-
tion "opening doors / closing doors" is active. The locomo-
tive starts accelerating according to the ABV that has been
set/activated only when the function has been deactivated
and the sound has ended.

Decoder functions and CV settings

The following pages have the functions and the CVs pre-
sented in tabular form. These CVs can be given a number of
settings and can be assigned to a number of function buttons.
You will find the CVs and their applications for the fx (MM)
and DCC protocols in separate tables.
In the mfx protocol, you can set the CVs with ease by means
of the display for the CS 2 (Software Version 4.0 and higher) /
CS 3. You or your dealer may have to install an update on your
60213/60214/60215 Central Station.
This conversion kit is best used for the locomotive families
ER20, Traxx, Hercules, and Ludmilla.
We recommend following the procedures that are shown and

