Changing the display mode
It is possible to increase the camera
image to a larger size.
• Tap the displayed camera image
in order to change the display mode
and show the camera image in an
enlarged size.
• The display mode is set using the
Settings > Video image > Change
display modes menu.
• In the full screen mode, it is not
possible to take pictures.
Selecting a door station
• Press the speech button to estab-
lish a connection to the door station
from where the last call came.
• It is also possible to establish selec-
tive speech connections to certain
doors. These must be programmed
by the electrical installer. On the
panel's home screen, suitable sym-
bols are then available which can
each be used to call a specific door.
• Every function can be deactivated/
activated with the BPS 650-...
image pick-up
Every time a visitor actuates the call
button at the door, up to 5 images
are taken automatically.
In the Settings > Video image
menu, you can set the maximum
number of images which should be
taken or how many seconds after
ringing the first image should be
taken, and also activate/deactivate
the automatic saving of images. In
the as-delivered status, this function
is active.
If the video memory has been deac-
tivated using BPS 650-..., this menu
point is hidden at the indoor device.
If new images have been stored
for door calls, the symbol "Missed
door calls" will appear in the status
display with the number of missed
door calls.
Showing pictures for missed
door calls
1 Tap the "Missed door calls"
symbol to open the video memory.
All door calls are displayed with time
and date. The first saved image of
each door call is displayed.
2 If applicable, tap < or > in order to
scroll through the video memory.
3 Tap one image in order to view all
the images from a door call.
4 Tap < in the navigation bar to
return to the door call level.
Using the navigation bar, it is pos-
sible to see on which level of the
video memory you are currently
located. If a "<" is displayed here,
you are looking at all the images
belonging to a specific door call.
Otherwise, you are located on the
door call level.
Video memory
All visitor images are stored with
time and date and the information
regarding which camera was used to
take them.
The images are saved in *.tif format
with a resolution of 800 x 480 Pixel.
One picture requires around 1.3 MB
of storage space.
If the storage capacity in the device
or – if you have inserted one – on
the SD card is exhausted, or when
you have reached the maximum
number of pictures, the oldest pic-
ture is always overwritten.
Displaying the video memory
The Video memory menu can be
accessed at any time using the navi-
gation bar.
• Tap the "Video memory" symbol
to open the video memory.
Deleting images
It is possible to delete individual
images in the video memory:
• Tap the "Delete" symbol in the
bottom right-hand corner of the
picture you wish to delete.
To delete all the pictures:
1 Tap "Delete all". The question
"Deleting all pictures. Are you
sure?" appears.
2 Tap "Yes" to confirm the enquiry.