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Immersion And Starting Of Hp; Use - Polytropic Morpheo XXS Gebruikershandleiding



Heating priority (Option):
The filtration pump can be connected to the HP to force the filtration to operate if the water is not at the desired temperature.
Prior to this connection, a "dry contact" (normally open relay or connector) with a 230V AC coil should be provided.
Electrical connections:
Connect the coil of this relay (A1 and A2) on the P1 and P2 terminals of the HP.
Connect the input and the output of the dry contact (normally open) in parallel with the dry contact of the filtration clock of the swimming pool.


Once the HP is connected to the water circuit with the bypass, and is connected to the power supply by a professional, ensure that:
The HP is horizontal (level).
The HP is secured and stable.
The water circuit has been purged of air that has been trapped in the piping of the HP.
The pressure gauge, at the back of the HP, shows a temperature that is equal to the ambient outdoor temperature.
The water circuit is properly connected (no leaks or damage to the hydraulic connections, the connections are properly tightened).
The electric circuit is properly connected (the cables are tightly secured to the terminals and intermediate circuit-breaker), properly insulated, and con-
nected to the earthing connection.
The conditions of installation and use described above have all been met.
The outdoor temperature is between -3 and +38°C.
The water temperature is of 15°C minimum.
The evaporator at the rear/on the sides of the HP is clean (leaves, dust, pollen, cobwebs...)
You can now start your device by following, in the given order, the following steps:
Open the 3 valves of the bypass (refer to the hydraulic diagram).
Half-close the bypass valve.
Remove all unused items or tools from the area surrounding the HP.
Start the pump of the filtration system.
Power up the HP by engaging the circuit-breaker and using the ON/OFF button of the display.
Check that the HP starts and stops in sync with the filtration circuit: if no water is detected in the HP, the display shows "FLO"
The HP starts after a delay of a few minutes.
Adjust the temperature ("Regulation" chapter).
Adjust the water flow ("Water flow setting" chapter).
After a few minutes, you can adjust the bypass valve as indicated in the "Water flow setting" chapter. Having completed the above steps, cover the pool and
let the HP operate for a few days with the filtration pump in "forced mode" until the water of the pool reaches the desired bathing temperature.


Cover the pool with a cover (bubble cover, shutter...) to reduce heat losses.
Parameter for taking the connection into account: Check that
the setting of the filtration pump parameter (parameter #9) is
set to "2". If this is not the case, please contact us to change the
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