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Bringen Sie Farbe ins Spiel
Mit Öl-Farbstiften lassen sich gebrannte Motive wunderbar ausmalen. Tragen Sie die Farbe nicht in einem Zug auf,
sondern Schicht für Schicht. So können Sie die Farbintensität besser bestimmen. Die Farben mischen sich beim
Übereinander auftragen. Verwischen Sie die Farben durch kräftiges Reiben mit den Fingerkuppen oder mit einem
Zum Schluss wird versiegelt
Holzlack auf Wasserbasis mit einem Pinsel zügig, dünn und gleichmäßig auftragen. Der Lack trocknet sehr schnell.
Nach Wunsch mehrere Schichten übereinander auftragen. Bei kolorierten Motiven vorsichtig sein, da sehr satt
aufgetragene Farbe in Ausnahmefällen verwischen kann.
Zum Abschluss wird der lackierte Holzgegenstand ein letztes Mal leicht geschliffen bis er sich vollkommen glatt anfühlt.
Wir von PEBAROkreativ! wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß und gutes Gelingen!
Poker-work can be easily learnt
Wood, leather or cork can best be burnt. Begin with somewhat smaller, simple motifs. With a little time and practice you
will soon progress. Poker-work is a hobby for the whole family because it is equally enjoyable both for women and men
as well as for boys and girls.
Choosing the burning appliance
PEBAROkreativ! offers two different kinds of burning appliances, burning rods and burning stations.
The simple burning rod is a device with which you can draw as with a pencil. The device, however, only works at one
temperature. The burning rod is a very good device with which to start poker-work.
Whoever does a lot of burning and likes doing it, will decide to buy a burning station. These appliances have a
transformer with an in-circuit burning pin and can be progressively regulated as regards temperature.
Choice of wood
Beginners should commence with a light, relatively soft wood. Linden and maple wood are ideal. Prior to burning, the
wood should be sanded down to as smooth a finish as possible,
Transferring the motif
If need be, the motif can be enlarged or reduced to the size desired (copy shop). Cut out the motif and place it on the
wooden object. Slide the transfer paper under the motif (coated side down!) and affix both with a strip of adhesive tape.
Applying gentle pressure, trace all the lines of the motif with a pencil that is not too hard (B or HB).
How to do the burning
Plug the burning device into the wall socket and wait until the working temperature has been reached. Test the
temperature of the device and the property of the wood by means of a few strokes on the rear of the wooden blank.
From time to time the burning tips and burning loops have to be cleaned of burning residue, otherwise burning can no
longer be done with ease. To this end, use the special wire cleaning brush. Trace the motif that has been transferred
onto the wood with the burning device.
It is not possible to draw a straight, long line in one stroke. You have to re-start drawing again and again at rather short
intervals - without this start being visible. !n order to avoid undesired black dots when starting up, you can blow gently
onto the burning tip
Shaded areas can for example be achieved by means of many small dots. And if you move the burning rod back and
forth, !he result is a relief structure.
Light and dark
No great amount of pressure is used when burning. Light and dark is achieved by drawing slowly or more quickly.
The final touch
If need be, the wooden object is sanded down after burning with the finest grained sanding paper for wood. Yellowish
discoloration which comes from temperatures that are too hot can be removed in this way.
Brighten things up with colour
Burnt motifs can be wonderfully coloured with oil-based coloured. Do not apply the colour in one go, but coat for coat. In
this way you can determine the intensity of the colour better. When superimposed, the colours mix. Smear the colours by
rubbing strongly with your fingertips or with an eraser.
And to finish a sealing coat of varnish
Quickly apply a thin, even coat of water-based wood varnish with a paint brush. The varnish dries very quickly. If desired,
apply several coats on top of each other. Be careful with coloured motifs as very thickly applied colour can smudge in
exceptional cases.
Finally. the varnished wooden object is gently sanded down for a last time until it is completely smooth to the touch.
We at PEBAROkreativ! wish you a lot of enjoyment and success.



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