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Multi-Protocol Operation - Marklin Digital 60972 Handleiding

Conversion decoder set


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  • NL

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  • DUTCH, pagina 62

Multi-Protocol Operation

Analog Operation
This decoder can also be operated on analog layouts or areas of
track that are analog. The decoder recognizes alternating cur-
rent or direct current voltage (AC/DC) and automatically adapts
to the analog track voltage. All functions that were set under mfx
or DCC for analog operation are active (see Digital Operation).
Digital Operation
The mSD sound decoders are multi-protocol decoders. These
decoders can be used under the following digital protocols: mfx,
DCC, fx (MM).
The digital protocol with the most possibilities is the highest
order digital protocol. The sequence of digital protocols in
descending order is:
Priority 1: mfx
Priority 2: DCC
Priority 3: fx (MM)
Note: Digital protocols can influence each other. For trouble-free
operation, we recommend deactivating those digital protocols
not needed by using CV 50. Deactivate unneeded digital proto-
cols at this CV if your controller supports this function.
If two or more digital protocols are recognized in the track,
the decoder automatically takes on the highest order digital
protocol, example: mfx/DCC; the decoder takes on the mfx digital
protocol (see previous table).
Note: Please note that not all functions are possible in all digital
protocols. Several settings for functions, which are supposed to
be active in analog operation, can be done under mfx and DCC.
Braking / Signal Stopping Block fx (MM), mfx, DCC
The braking module essentially applies DC voltage to the
track. If the decoder recognizes a DC voltage of this kind in the
track, it brakes with the delay that has been set. If the decoder
recognizes a digital protocol again, it accelerates at the speed
that has been set.
If automatic recognition in braking areas is to be used, we recom-
mend shutting the DC operation off (see CV description). In DCC
operation setting the value in CV 27 to 16 or 32 (see CV table).
Automatic Calibration for All Protocols
• The type of motor must be selected (see CV 52) before cali-
• Automatic calibration of a locomotive must be done on a
suitable oval of track without obstacles (signals, grades,
etc.). We recommend an oval of track with curves larger
than 430 mm / 17" in radius. The locomotive is accelerated
to the maximum speed and can therefore derail on smaller
radius curves. Go into the locomotive configuration on the
Central Station-> CV-> Info for automatic calibration of the
locomotive. In the field Firmware, overwrite the first digit
with 77. In the protocols MM/DCC, enter CV 7 directly in the
configuration mode. Overwrite the value displayed there with
the number 77 and store it in the locomotive.
Enter a speed with the speed control knob. Now the locomo-
tive starts slowly, accelerates to the fastest speed, and then
stops after a short while. After that, the locomotive tries
several times to start up. If the locomotive finally remains at a
standstill, the calibration process has ended.
No other operations should be done during the entire process.



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