1. GeneRAl sAFety RUles FoR tHe Use .............................. 4
2. GeneRAl descRiPtion .......................................................... 4
2.1 TRADITIONAL BATTERY CHARGERS ................................ 4
2.2 AUTOMATIC BATTERY CHARGERS (TRONIC) ................... 4
3. boost - boost&Go FUnctions ........................................... 4
4. AmmeteR ReAdinG (FiG. A) .................................................... 4
5. instAllAtion ............................................................................ 4
5.1 ASSEMBLY (FIG.B) ................................................................ 4
5.2 POSITIONING THE BATTERY CHARGER ........................... 4
5.3 CONNECTION TO THE MAIN SUPPLY ................................ 4
6. oPeRAtion dURinG cHARGinG ............................................. 4
6.1 BATTERY PREPARATION ..................................................... 5
1. GeneRAl sAFety RUles FoR tHe Use
- During the charge the battery produces explosive gases,
avoid the formation of flames and sparkes. DO NOT
- Position the batteries to be charged in a well-ventilated
- inexperience and untrained people should be
properly instructed before using the appliance.
- People (children included) whose physical, sensory
or mental capacities would prevent them from using the
appliance correctly must be supervised by a person who is
responsible for their safety while the appliance is in use.
- children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
- Use the battery charger only indoors and make sure that you start
it in airy places. DO NOT SET IN THE RAIN OR SNOW.
- Disconnect the mains cable before connecting to or disconnecting
the charging cables from the battery.
- Do not connect or disconnect the clamps to or from the battery with
the battery charger operating.
- Never use the battery charger inside the car or in the bonnet.
- Substitute the mains cable only with an original one.
- Do not use the battery charger to charge batteries which are not
- Make sure the available power supply voltage corresponds to that
shown on the battery charger rating plate.
- To prevent damaging the vehicle electronics, scrupulously respect
the warnings given by the producer of the vehicle or the batteries
- This battery charger has components such as switches and relays
which can cause arcs or sparks. Therefore when using it in a
garage or in a similar place set the battery charger in a suitable
- Repair or maintenance of the inside of the battery charger can be
executed only by skilled technicians.
- WarnInG: alWays dIsconnect the PoWer suPPly
caBle From the maIns BeFore carryInG out any
sImPle maIntenance oPeratIon on the Battery
- The battery charger is protected from indirect contact by an earth
wire as indicated for class I equipment. Make sure the power outlet
is protected by an earth connection.
- For models supplied without plugs, connect plugs having a
capacitance suitable for the value of the fuse shown in the plate;
for models supplied with cable and plug and with a "P.MAX
START" power higher than 9kW, when used for starting, we advise
replacing the plug with one having a capacitance suitable for the
fuse shown in the plate.
2. GeneRAl descRiPtion
2.1 tRAditionAl bAtteRy cHARGeRs
Manual battery chargers (the operator must intervene to stop the
charge process) indicated for charging free electrolyte lead acid
batteries (WET) used in engine-driven vehicles (petrol and diesel),
motorcycles, boats, etc. 6V, 12V and 24V batteries can be recharged
according to the available output voltage. Some models have the
START or the BOOST&GO mode to start engine-driven vehicles.
2.2 AUtomAtic bAtteRy cHARGeRs (tRonic)
Automatic battery chargers (electronic control of the charging
process, interruption and automatic reset) suitable for charging sealed
6.3.1 MANUAL CHARGE ....................................................... 5
6.3.2 AUTOMATIC CHARGING (TRONIC) ............................ 5
6.5 END OF CHARGE ................................................................. 5
7. oPeRAtion dURinG stARtinG .............................................. 5
7.2 STARTING UP WITH START (FIG. E1) ................................. 5
7.3 STARTING UP WITH BOOST&GO (FIG. E2) ........................ 5
7.4 END OF STARTING ............................................................... 5
8. bAtteRy cHARGeR PRotection (FiG. F) ............................ 5
9. UseFUl Advice ......................................................................... 6
batteries (GEL, AGM) in the TRONIC mode, and free electrolyte lead
acid batteries (WET) in the manual CHARGE mode (see par. 2.1),
used with engine-driven vehicles (petrol and diesel), motorcycles,
boats, etc. It is possible to recharge 12V and 24V batteries.
3. boost - boost&Go FUnctions
These functions speed up charging and help vehicle starting
thanks to fast battery pre-charge (the charging time depends on the
battery capacity and discharge level). When using models with the
BOOST&GO function, vehicles can be started up with the cables
still connected to the battery (see paragraph 7). During the charging
process, always follow the indications given in paragraph 4.
4. AmmeteR ReAdinG (FiG. A)
The ammeter allows reading the current supplied by the battery
charger to the battery (a completely flat battery initially requires
maximum current which lowers over time). During the charging
phase the ammeter indicator moves from right to left, indicating a
decrease in the current required by the battery until very low levels
(near to zero) are reached (fully charged battery), at a speed and
with an accuracy that depend on the capacity, battery state and
ammeter reading precision. Please remember that the exact charge
status of the battery can only be determined by using a densimeter
which allows measurement of the specific gravity of the electrolyte.
With manual battery chargers, the ammeter must be monitored to
determine when the battery has finished charging. Once the battery is
charged it must be disconnected to prevent overheating or damage.
5. instAllAtion
5.1 Assembly (FiG.b)
Unpack the battery charger and assemble the separate parts
contained in the package. Models on wheels are to be set in a vertical
5.2 PositioninG tHe bAtteRy cHARGeR
During operation, position the battery charger on a stable surface
and make sure that there is no obstruction to air passage through the
openings provided to ensure sufficient ventilation.
5.3 connection to tHe mAin sUPPly
- The battery charger should be connected only and exclusively
to a power source with the neutral lead connected to earth.
Check that the mains voltage is the same as the voltage of the
- Check that the power supply is protected by systems such as
fuses or automatic switches, sufficient to support the maximum
absorption of the equipment.
- The connection to the main supply has to be made using a suitable
- If you put an extension to the primary cable, the section should
be adequate and, in any case, never less than that of the cable
- You always have to earth the equipment with the yellow/green wire
contained in the main cable, indicated by the label (W), while the
other two wires should be connected to the phase and the neutral
6. oPeRAtion dURinG cHARGinG
nb: before charging check that the capacity of the battery (Ah)
which is to be charged, is not inferior to that reported on the
data table of the battery charger (c min). Follow the instructions,
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