K-Box A7 User's Manual
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Obtaining the Declaration of Conformity
Intended Use
The K-Box is a custom three-phase energy meter with remotely controlled opto-coupler
to be only used in tiko Energy Solutions AG authorized setups. The output of the opto-
coupler shall be connected to a receiving unit able to decode the K-Box-A7 signaling.
Safety Information
tiko Energy Solutions AG
Pflanzschulstrasse 7
CH-8004 Zürich
The product 01.9007 in the form as delivered conforms to the provisions of the following
European directives: 2011/65/EU on hazardous substances, 2014/35/EU on low voltage
devices, 2014/30/EU on electromagnetic compatibility, partially 2004/22/EU on meas-
uring instruments.
A copy of the declaration of conformity can be requested by writing to the postal ad-
dress or is available on http://um.tiko.energy/9007
tiko Energy Solutions AG
IM-0005-0004 Rev. 9