Left arrow key:
Right arrow key:
Up arrow key:
Down arrow key:
Mode button:
Menu button:
Press to navigate to the previous word or to the previous menu item in the
menu. During playback of the text, this button will decrease the reading
Press to navigate to the next word or to the next menu item in the menu.
During playback of the text, this button will increase the reading speed.
Press to navigate a line up in the text, or to move to the previous menu
item in the menu.
Press to navigate a line down, or to move to the next menu item in the
Square button on the left half of the remote control. Short press to switch
between the viewing modes: Column, Line, Page high contrast, Page full
color and Overview mode. Long press to hear the page orientation.
Square button marked with the character "M" on the right half of the
remote control. Press to enter and exit the menu.