Explanation of displays and buttons
3.1. Status LED
Depending on the operating status the status LED of the commeo
Timer BT signalizes the following situations:
Status LED
flashes orange
flashes white
green (short)
red (short)
flashes blue
The initialization phase of the device when
starting will be signalized by an orange col-
oured LED. It goes out after complete initial-
An orange coloured flashing status LED signal-
izes that the runtime of the local motor has to
be set.
The time and the date at the commeo Timer BT
are not set yet so that currently set switching
times are not executed. Synchronization can
be done by an active connection with the app.
The LED flashes green when a moving com-
mand on the device (local operation or rather
via the extensions) has to be executed.
The LED signalizes with a short, red light up an
error while executing the moving command.
The LED signalizes that there is an emergency
signal at the device.
The LED signalizes that the commeo Timer BT
is in service mode.
There is an active connection with a Blue-
tooth® device.