IMPORTANT: this instruc�on manual contains highly
important informa�on about safety measures to be taken
when installing and commissioning the device. It is therefore
important for you to read these instruc�ons before assembling and
opera�ng the product. Please keep this manual for later use. Lack
of compliance with the instruc�ons stated in this manual during
the installa�on, opera�ng and maintenance phases shall relieve
the manufacturer or distributor of any liability in the face of
damages caused to people, to the product or to the installa�on
site, and will result in you losing the warranty.
This projector was designed for immersed use in freshwater. It is a class III lighting
system with Safety Extra Low Voltage of ~12V. The light source of this luminaire is
not replaceable. When the light source reaches its end of life, the whole luminaire
shall be replaced. This projector has an IP68 protection level and must be installed
at a maximum immersed depth of 1 metre. The projector's cable cannot be
replaced. If damaged, the projector may be deteriorated. This projector complies
with international light safety standards, in particular standard EN 60598-2-18
pertaining to swimming pool lights.
Correct installa�on requires for the plug powering the projector to be protected
by a residual current device, with a maximum intensity of 30 mA. This projector
can only be connected to a two-coil insulated safety transformer with a maximum
output voltage of ~12V. Any other type of transformer is prohibited. This
transformer's power must always be higher than that of the connected projector.
Installa�on requires there to be an outlet fi�ng with a 1.5" female thread. The
manufacturer can in no way be held responsible for the assembly, installa�on or
opera�on of the product if it was manipulated or if non-provided electrical
components were added.
- Make sure no one is swimming during the installa�on process.
- A�er use, we recommend unplugging the transformer from the socket.
Refer to the instruc�ons in this manual.
This LED light does not require any form of maintenance. When the red LED on
the remote control no longer lights up, its 12V MN23 ba�ery needs to be
replaced. If the product malfunc�ons, please contact either our customer service
department, or that of your retailer.
The system offers 10 programmes with 7 set colours and 3 automa�c colour
splashes. Manual control is possible using the remote control or by cu�ng the
power supply.
<3 s: switch to the following programme
>15s: switch back on to the programme selected prior to the
power cut
To use the remote control, posi�on yourself facing the light and stand
maximum 10 metres away. The presence of metal near the projector, or deep
immersion, can restrain the use of the remote control to a much shorter
distance (1 to 2 metres). When first using the remote control, you will need to
configure it with its receiver - already integrated in the system. (Refer to the
instruc�ons in this manual)
On/Off (O): Switched on/Standby
Colors (C): Access to 7 set colours
Programs (P): access to 3 colour splashes
Synchro (S): light synchronisa�on
- Before working on the light, it must be unplugged from the
electrical network
- All electrical connections must be done outside the water
- Never work on the device with wet feet
- All prevention standards currently in force must be complied
- IEC 364-7-702 standards in particular must be complied with:
- Those in charge of assembly must be suitably qualified for
this type of work
- Switching the device off with the remote control will simply
put it on standby
- If the device stays off for more than 24h, we recommend
using the switch located just before the transformer.
This LED light is guaranteed against any material and/or manufacturing defects
(electronic components) for 2 years star�ng from the date of delivery.
(Substan�a�ng documents must be preserved) This light is not guaranteed
against breakage caused by an external impact, a short circuit or excessive
screwing, nor against power surges caused by the main power network. (In this
case, the home insurance policy will kick in). This warranty is valid under the
strict condi�on that the assembly and maintenance instruc�ons are complied
with. Within the framework of this warranty, the manufacturer or distributor's
only obliga�on will be to have their a�er-sales service replace or repair the
product or component recognised as defec�ve for free (the choice is theirs to
make). Any other costs are to be covered by the purchaser. To benefit from this
warranty, products must first be sent in to the manufacturer or distributor's
a�er-sales service; their consent is mandatory if the product is to be replaced or
repaired. The warranty shall not apply in the case of a visible defect. Defects and
deteriora�ons caused by normal wear, malfunc�ons resul�ng from
non-compliant assembly and/or usage, and product modifica�ons made
without the manufacturer's prior wri�en consent are also excluded from the
In accordance with European Direc�ve 2002/96/EC, pertaining to waste
electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), the consumer must return any
used products to suitable collec�on points.
(mul�ple installa�ons)