Germa Rescue Lite Full Body Splint
Info on the product, prior to problem,
Storage: 1) stock, 2) site of use, 3) packed, 4) unpacked, 5) softpack, 6) other:
Used cleaning and disinfecting agents/Sterilizing method:
Pattern of use: 1) stand-by for emergency, 2) routine use, 3) stand by, 4) other:
Environment: 1) Indoor, 2) Outdoor, 3) Heat, 4) Cold, 5) Humidity, 6) Sunlight, 7) Gases, 8) other:
Which actions have been: a) taken, b) planned by the reporter or user at the site of incident?
1) examination of the product on site, 2) replacement of the product, 3) other:
Suggested actions by the distributor/complainant:
Returning of samples/faulty product(s),
1) 1) Already shipped/Will be shipped to ___________________________,
2) 2) Pending request from manufacturer,
3) 3) Product/parts not available:
© Ferno Srl Rescue Lite Full Body Splint - Rel. 06042022