Normal operation
Fire hazard due to grease residue!
In operation grease residue, which is
highly inflammable, collects in and on
the extractor hood.
☞ Clean the extractor hood correctly.
Observe the extractor hood
To achieve an optimal efficiency in
removing cooking fumes:
☞ Turn the extractor hood on
1-2 minutes before you start cooking.
This allows the flow of air to build
up, and the fumes are removed at an
early stage.
☞ During the cooking process, switch to
a power level that is appropriate for
the intensity of the cooking vapours:
y Power level 1 - lowest fan power
y Power level 2 - medium fan power
y Power level 3 - high fan power
☞ If the intensity of the cooking vapours
does not subside, switch to a higher
power level.
☞ Switch to the POWER setting if
frying. After 6 minutes the extractor
hood switches back to power level 3
In order to activate the power level
permanently, it is necessary to press
the corresponding button once more.
Now, the extractor hood will not
switch back again.
☞ Check the fresh air supply at regular
☞ Also use the extractor hood to reduce
other unpleasant smells. Such as from:
y Onions and garlic
y Oven, microwave and steamer
y Fondue and raclette
☞ Turn on the run-on function when
you have finished cooking.
☞ After use, switch the extractor
hood off. If the automatic run-on
function is activated, the run-on time
(10 minutes) starts in power level 1.
After 12 hours without operation, the
extractor hood (including lighting)
automatically switches off.
6005229_a – 25.01.2021