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Heating/Cooling Settings; Update Firmware - Watts BT-CT02 Installatie- En Gebruikersgids



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  • NL

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  • DUTCH, pagina 74
Identify a device
To identify a device of the installation,
go to Installation Menu, then "Identify
a Device"
To put the menu in
reception mode
to make the Central listening
on the device receiver and wait a
few seconds until radio communication
frame is transmitted.
Note: ID-number is displayed on the
screen, please repeat to be sure to have
the same ID.
to change device param-
eters (name, power ...).
Antifreeze setpoint:
You can set the antifreeze setpoint as
reference for the whole installation.
Heating setting:
You can fix setpoint limitations (min/
max) per zone and the offset assigned
to devices working in floor sensor reg-

Heating/cooling settings:

You can set the installation:
• in heating mode,
• in cooling mode or
• in manual mode.
If you set the device in manual mode, the
icon appears on the main menu.
PPLIMW15428C | 2019 / 06 Watts
To access to the
device parameters
WIFI settings:
To set the WIFI configurations (SSID/
Protected Access Key Type/ Password).
You can do it manually or scan the
active networks.
Configuration requesting a registration
on a web page is not supported.
WIFI Status:
0/2: Central unit not connected to the wifi
router and server
1/2: Central unit connected to the Wifi
router (not to the server)
2/2: Central unit connected to the wifi
router and to the server (Pairing of the
central to an account is required)
n.b.: The connection to Internet is
recommended with Certified WiFi routers
n.b.: Automatic pairing time to WiFi router
with WEP key: 3-4 min, with WPA2 key: 1 min.
n.b.: For the network scan, Repeat at least
twice the operation if your desired WiFi net-
work is not displayed. If your desired WiFi
network is still not displayed, enter the WiFi
settings manually
General factory default:
To reset the system with the factory
values, but the software version will
remain the same.

Update Firmware:

To update the software, with the SD-card.
The system is qualified to work with
SD-cards less than or equal to 16GB.
Please wait the end of the update
procedure (The Wifi icon should be
available for the Wifi central unit) before
removing the microSD from the cen-
tral unit. The SW and the procedure to
update the central unit is available on


