Samenvatting van Inhoud voor Beamz professional MadMax25 COB Proset4
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ENGLISH Congratulations to the purchase of this Beamz light effect. Please read this manual thoroughly prior to using the unit in order to benefit fully from all features. Read the manual prior to using the unit. Follow the instructions in order not to invalidate the warranty. Take all precautions to avoid fire and/or electrical shock.
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NEDERLANDS Hartelijk dank voor de aanschaf van dit Beamz lichteffect. Neemt U a.u.b. een paar momenten de tijd om deze handleiding zorgvuldig te lezen, aangezien wij graag willen dat u onze producten snel en volledig gebruikt. Lees deze handleiding eerst door alvorens het product te gebruiken. Volg de instructies op anders zou de garantie wel eens kunnen vervallen.
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DEUTSCH Vielen Dank für den Kauf dieses Beamz gerat. Nehmen Sie sich einen Augenblick Zeit, um diese Anleitung sorgfältig durchzulesen, damit sie die Möglichkeiten, die unser Produkt bietet, sofort voll ausnutzen können. Lesen Sie erst die Anleitung vollständig vor der ersten Inbetriebnahme durch. Befolgen Sie die Anweisung, da sonst jeglicher Garantieanspruch verfällt. Treffen Sie stets alle Sicherheits-vorkehrungen um Feuer und/oder Stromschlag zu vermeiden.
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ESPAÑOL Enhorabuena por la compra de este efecto de luces Beamz. Por favor lea atentamente este manual antes de usar el aparato para disfrutar al completo de sus prestaciones. Seguir las instrucciones le permite no invalidar la garantía. Tome todas las precauciones para evitar que se produzca fuego o una descarga eléctrica.
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FRANÇAIS Nous vous remercions d’avoir acheté un appareil Beamz. Veuillez lire la présente notice avant l’utilisation afin de pouvoir en profiter pleinement. Veuillez lire la notice avant utilisation. Respectez impérativement les instructions afin de continuer à bénéficier de la garantie. Prenez toutes les précautions nécessaires pour éviter tout incendie ou décharge électrique.
UNPACKING INSTRUCTION CAUTION! Immediately upon receiving a fixture, carefully unpack the carton, check the contents to ensure that all parts are present, and have been received in good condition. Notify the shipper immediately and retain packing material for inspection if any parts appear damage from shipping or the package itself shows signs of mishandling. Save the package and all packing materials.
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Display Mode Function ADDR DMX address setting A001-A512 CHND Channel mode 1CH/3CH/5CH/25CH/75CH SLND Slave mode Master Show mode One/Two Light Show (TLSH) SHND Four Light Show (FLSH) SOUN Sound mode Sound on/off SENE Sound sense Sound sense 0-100 BALA White Balance 000~255 BLND Black out mode...
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5 Channel Mode Channel Function Value / Description 000-007 blackout 008-067 full on 068-127 Number 0 ~ 9 Function 128-187 Letter A ~ Z 188-247 Sound Effect 248-255 Stand alone 000-024 Number “0” 025-049 Number “1” 050-074 Number “2” 075-099 Number “3" 100-124 Number “4”...
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25 Channel Mode Channel Value Description 1 - 25 0-255 The 1 head color to the 25 head color 75 Channel Mode Channel Value Description CH1,CH4,CH7,CH10,CH13,CH16,CH1 9,CH22,CH25,CH28,CH31,CH34,CH37 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 0-255 ,CH40,CH43,CH46,CH49,CH52,CH55, 12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/ CH58,CH61,CH64,CH67,CH70,CH73 23/24/25 CH2,CH5,CH8,CH11,CH14,CH17,CH2 Green 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 0,CH23,CH26,CH29,CH32,CH35,CH38 0-255 12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/ ,CH41,CH44,CH47,CH50,CH53,CH56, 23/24/25 CH59,CH62,CH65,CH68,CH71,CH74 CH3,CH6,CH9,CH12,CH15,CH16,CH2...
FIXTURE CLEANING The cleaning of internal and external optical lenses and/or mirrors must be carried out periodically to optimize light output. Cleaning frequency depends on the environment in which the fixture operates: damp, smoky or particularly dirty surrounding can cause greater accumulation of dirt on the unit’s optics. ...
CE Declaration of Conformity Importer: TRONIOS BV Bedrijvenpark Twente 415 7602 KM - ALMELO Tel : 0031546589299 Fax : 0031546589298 The Netherlands Product number: 150.678; 150.680 Product Description: MadMax 25x10W COB LED Matrix Regulatory Requirement: EN 60598-1/-2-17 EN 55015 EN 61547 EN 61000-3-2/-3-3 The product meets the requirements stated in Directives 2006/95 and 2004/108/EC and conforms to the above mentioned Declarations.