Page 27
When creating the blade holder linkage rod, observe that the rods have a right/left thread. Turn the two ball joint clips open
until both sides have the same air gap to the rods. Later, when adjusting the blade angle of attack or adjusting the track, you
only need to turn the rods using a small screwdriver pushed through the 2 mm opening.
After correct alignment of the three swash plate rods, the swash plate has a distance of 17.4 mm to the chassis when the
three servo levers are in the horizontal centre position.
If required, you may move the servo holders to the correct position so that the three swash plate linkage rods are vertical.
Page 28 - 29
The two pages show the correct installation of the three swash plate servos, as well as installation of the tail servo.
When creating the linkages, observe that the swash plate and the tail rotor sliding sleeve can work throughout the path
available without being mechanically stopped. Path reduction must be performed later via the transmitter if required.
Page 30
This page shows the possible installation position of the required electronics components. Protect the connection cables
from damage with protective jackets and attach the cable strands with cable ties.
Page 31
This page shows the different speeds and gear reductions when using different motors and motor pinions. In this connection,
observe the permissible tail rotor blade size.
The drive batteries are attached to the battery carrier plate with hook-and-loop tape and additionally secured with a hook-
and-loop loop.
Page 32
This page shows how the battery carrier plates are inserted into the mechanical unit. The flight battery is secured with two
hook-and-loop loops that are pulled through the mechanics and over both battery packs.
Page 33
The rotor blade assembly and insertion of the canopy protective sleeves complete the mechanical setup of the helicopter.
Page 34 - 35
Pages 34 and 35 show spare parts numbers and the associated spare parts designations.
Please observe that the 6-digit numbers in the manufacturer's manual are no Conrad order numbers!
For the current list of spare parts with the corresponding Conrad Electronic order numbers, see in
the download area of the respective model helicopters.
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