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Submenu „Play Back - Renkforce 808578 Gebruiksaanwijzing


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f) Submenu „Play Back"
This submenu is used to play back the recordings on the SD-/SDHC memory card.
If you insert the SD/SDHC memory card into a suitable card reader of your computer, the recor-
dings can be played back there as well.
The files are stored in the ASF format on the SD/SDHC memory card; the media player used by
you must support this format.
Proceed as follows:
• In the OSD menu, use the buttons „4" and „6" to choose the submenu „Play Back" and then push the
button „PLAY/ENTER" on the DVR or the button „
If the screen/DVR is in the submenu „Play Back", the bottom of the display of the connected
screen shows the memory still free („Free") on the SD/SDHC memory card and the overall me-
mory („Total").
Example: „Free/Total : 3.52GB/3.72GB": On the memory card, 3.52GByte are still free. The memory
card has a total memory of 3.72 GByte. It is calculated based on 1kByte = 1024 Bytes (1GByte =
1024 x 1024 x 1024 Bytes).
• If the DVR has already stored recordings on the SD-/SDHC-memory card, the directory „VIDEO" appears.
Push the button „PLAY/ENTER" on the DVR or the button „
• If there are recordings, subdirectories are set up that are named according to the recording date.
Example: Subdirectory „20130915" -> year „2013", month „09", date „15" -> the subdirectory contains all
recordings that were saved on 15 September 2013.
The buttons „8" and „2" can be used to select a subdirectory. It is marked in red.
If the subdirectory (marked in red) is to be deleted, push the button „6" (or alternatively, the
button „DEL" on the IR remote control). A safety prompt appears: „Are you sure?".
Use the buttons „4" and „6" to switch between „Yes" (yes, delete subdirectory) and „No"
Confirm selection with the button „PLAY/ENTER" on the DVR or the button „
te control.
Deleted subdirectories cannot be recovered!
• Push the button „PLAY/ENTER" on the DVR or the button „
subdirectories for the full hours.
Example: „11 CLOCK": The subdirectory contains all records that were saved in a period from 11 AM to
11:59 AM.
The buttons „8" and „2" can be used to select the desired subdirectory (marked in red).
If the subdirectory (marked in red) is to be deleted, push the button „6" (or alternatively, the
button „DEL" on the IR remote control). A safety prompt appears: „Are you sure?".
Use the buttons „4" and „6" to switch between „Yes" (yes, delete subdirectory) and „No"
Confirm selection with the button „PLAY/ENTER" on the DVR or the button „
te control.
Deleted subdirectories cannot be recovered!
All manuals and user guides at
" on the IR remote control.
" on the IR remote control again.
" on the IR remote control to display the
" on the IR remo-
" on the IR remo-

