4) Time: Under power on state, through touching this key users can set automatic power off.
Each time touching this key it adds up 0.5 hour. The guiding lights (0.5H、1H、2H、4H)are
shown accumulatively:0.5H to 7.5H.Once the time is set well, it starts to count down. When it
comes to "0",it will be powered off. The guiding light doesn't be shown if there's no time setting.
5) Ioniser: There is no negative ion function at the beginning of powered on. When the
machine is working, by touching this key users can switch on/off negative ion. The relevant
light will on and off with its operation.
6) Left and right swing: There is no left and right wind swinging at the beginning when powered
on. When the machine is working, by touching this key users can enjoy left and right wind
swinging. The relevant light will on and off with its operation.
7) Up and down Swing: There is no up and down wind swinging at the beginning when
powered on. When the machine is working, by touching this key users can enjoy up and down
wind swinging. The relevant light will on and off with its operation.
8) Cool: There is no "Cold Wind" function at the beginning when powered on. When the
machine is working, by touching this key users can switch on/off "Cold Wind" function. The
"Cold Wind" guiding light is on and off accordingly. If there is no water or water shortage in the
water tank, this product will make out alarm sound, then the water pump will not work.
9) Wind type: At the initial state in power on, the wind type is in normal state. By touching this
key users can change its modes. Normal---Sleep----Natural-----Normal in circulation. The
guiding light doesn't show in normal wind state. It will only show in Sleep and Natural wind.
· When it comes to "Sleep" wind, its relevant light will on. The wind speed of the blower
changes to "Sleep" mode instantly. At this moment the wind speed key is invalid. The volume
of the wind runs irregularly with preprogrammed procedure under middle、weak、stop states.
At the same time, the relevant wind speed guiding lights will be shown accordingly. It will last
for 8 seconds before the states change.
The changing rule of the sleep wind:
run in circulation.
·When it comes to "Natural" wind, its relevant light will on. The wind speed of the blower
changes to "low" mode into "Natural". At this moment the wind speed key is invalid. The
volume of the wind runs irregularly with preprogrammed procedure under high、middle, low、
stop states at the same time, the relevant wind speed guiding lights will shown accordingly. It
will last for 5 seconds before the states change.
The changing rule of the natural wind:
stop run in circulation.