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tbs electronics TDCi-CH Series Installatiehandleiding


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Beschikbare talen

Please read this document very carefully to avoid DC/DC converter malfunction, equipment damage and/or fire hazards!
Limitations of use: do not use in connection with life support systems or other medical equipment or devices. To be installed only by qualified technicians.
Introduc on
The TDCi-CH series are based on the standard TDCi products, but are equipped with an
automa c ba ery charging func onality. This enables the possibility to charge a ba ery
connected to the output from another ba ery connected to the input. The TDCi-CH models are
galvanically isolated, which means that the input and output circuits are not electrically
connected to each other.
Installa on
1) Check if the input voltage range of this model is compa ble with your DC source (ba ery or
power supply)
2) The TDCi-CH must be mounted in a cool, dry indoor loca on
3) For models with 12V/20A output use 4mm² cable size for both input and output wiring.
For models with 24V/10A output use 4mm² for input wiring and at least 2.5mm² for output
4) Always install fuses at the input and output. If no fuses are used then warranty is void
5) First connect the nega ve input and output to the corresponding nega ve input and output
terminals of the converter. A en on: A bad nega ve connec on could make the output
voltage equal to the input voltage!
6) Now connect the posi ve input cable, via a suitably rated fuse, to the posi ve input terminal
7) Check if the output voltage of the unit meets the requirements of the ba ery to be charged.
When these requirements are met, you can now safely connect the ba ery to posi ve output
terminal through a suitably rated fuse.
Specifica on & fuse ra ng table
In/out isola on Vin range Input fuse
Wiring diagram
Ba ery or DC source
(connected in parallel
with output ba ery)
TDCi-CH series isolated DC/DC chargers
DC/DC Charger
Ba ery
Load / consumers
Opera on
The TDCi-CH has three different modes: "Charge", "Standby" and "Off". Once connected, the
converter will be in the "Off mode". In this mode, the converter will output 0V and the yellow
(input) LED will flash once per second. The green (output) LED is off.
When the input voltage is above 11.8V (or 23.6V for 24V input model) for at least 5 seconds, the
converter will automa cally jump to the "Charge mode". In this mode the converter supplies
14.4V (or 28.8V for 24V output model) and both the yellow (input) and the green (output) LEDs
are on.
When during the charge process the ba ery (output-) voltage has reached 14.2V (or 28.4V for
24V output model), a mer will start that will run for one hour. A er one hour, the converter will
jump to the "Standby mode". In this mode the output voltage will be set to 13.7V (or 27.4V for
24V output model) and both the yellow and green LEDs are lit.
The TDCi-CH will restart this charge process again when:
- The output voltage drops below 13.2V (or 26.4V for 24V output model) for 5 seconds.
- Or when the TDCi-CH has been in the "Standby mode" for 24 consecu ve hours.
During opera on in the "Charge mode" or "Standby mode", the TDCi-CH will automa cally jump
to the "Off mode" when:
- The input voltage drops below 11.6V (or 23.2V for 24V input model) for 10 seconds.
- Or the input voltage drops below 11.8V (or 23.6V for 24V input model) for 5 minutes.
Iout Output fuse
Standby current
± 20mA
Declara on of conformity
declares that the following products:
Product type
conforms to the requirements of the following EU direc ves:
Opera ng temp.
Connec ons
-10° ... +40°C
6.3mm Faston
: TBS Electronics BV
: De Marowijne 3
1689AR, Zwaag
The Netherlands
: DC/DC Charger
: TDCi-CH series
EMC direc ve 2014/30/EU
RoHS direc ve 2011/65/EU
TDCi-CH DC-DC Charger installa on guide Rev2en



Samenvatting van Inhoud voor tbs electronics TDCi-CH Series

  • Pagina 1 Introduc on Opera on The TDCi-CH series are based on the standard TDCi products, but are equipped with an The TDCi-CH has three different modes: “Charge”, “Standby” and “Off”. Once connected, the automa c ba ery charging func onality. This enables the possibility to charge a ba ery converter will be in the “Off...
  • Pagina 2 ± 20mA 6.3mm Faston 190x132x83mm 1.31kg -10° ... +40°C TDCi-12/24-10CH 28.8Vdc Aansluitschema Conformiteitsverklaring Fabrikant : TBS Electronics BV Adres DC/DC Charger : De Marowijne 3 1689AR, Zwaag Nederland Ingang Uitgang verklaart dat de volgende producten: Product type : DC/DC Charger...