cutter up to the part to be treated and remove parts of the
nail as necessary.
Cylindrical milling cutter (11)
Grinding of lignified foot nail surfaces as well as smoothing
of these. For this purpose, apply the milling cutter
horizontally to the nail surface and remove the unwanted
layer of nail using slow circular movements.
Sapphire disk fine (12)
Filling and treatment of the nails, fine grained sapphire disk.
The specific aspect of this sapphire disk is that only the
inner disk rotates, while the outer support is stationary. This
enables precise filing of the nails without the risk of burning
the skin with the fast rotating disk.
Sapphire disk coarse (13)
Filing and treatment of the nails, coarse grain sapphire disk.
This attachment allows you to shorten even thick nails by
filing. Since it quickly removes large areas of the nail, you
should proceed with caution in this case also.
Sapphire callus rasp (14)
For rapid removal of stubborn calluses and hard skin.
When filling, always work from the outside of the nail
towards the tip! Always check results regularly during
treatment. As soon as the application becomes unpleasant,
stop the treatment.
Follow these recommendations to keep your nails healthy
and achieve good results when using the manicure/pedicure
• Avoid getting of irritant chemicals on your nails.
• Do not expose your hands to extreme cold. Always wear
gloves when it's cold.
• Do not use alkaline soap and excessive amount of water
when washing your hands.
• Good nail hydration is a key to healthy and strong nails,
resistant to nail peeling and fragility. After a manicure
procedure treat your nails with moisturizing cream or
• Use only high quality nail polish to prevent nail peeling.
Polish your nails before using any moisturizer.
• Before removing cuticles moisturize them first and then
lift gently.