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infra world TrioSol Glas 125 VG Gebruiksaanwijzing pagina 30



Beschikbare talen

Beschikbare talen

What is infrared warmth?
Infrared warmth is a kind of energy, which is radiated by all objects, as long as their temperature is above the absolute zero. The major natural
source of infrared radiation is the sun. However, this infrared radiation has nothing to do with harmful UV radiation, which for example can cause
sunburn. Infrared describes the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is situated next to the visible red component of the colour
spectrum, but is invisible to the human eye due to its longer wavelength. Nevertheless, we can feel the warming effect on our skin.
Effects of infrared radiation on the body:
The healthy aspects of regular sweat baths has been undisputed for many years. However not everybody can tolerate the hot air of a
conventional sauna. Infrared cabins offer a unique alternative to this. From the medical point of view, the positive effects of infrared warmth are clearly
proved. The used infrared radiators give off long-wave infrared radiation when heated. This thermal energy is absorbed by the upper skin layers and
penetrates into the blood-circulated skin layers. The resulting increased circulation of blood distributes the warmth quickly to the whole orga-
nism. The body reacts with a slight increase in body temperature - the so-called fever effect (even the famous scholar Paemendides said more
than 2000 years ago: "Give me the possibility to create fever and I will heal every illness"). The resulting natural sweating can trigger off many
healthy processes in the body. Specific use can alleviate injuries of tendons and ligaments, for example, and provide overall muscular relaxation.
Our body continuously takes in harmful substances, which are found in food, drinks, in the air and so on. Using infrared heat for a longer period
of time can lead to a significant reduction of such poisonous substances in the body and to a strengthening of the immune system. Our infrared
cabins however should not be used for self-treatment. Please refer to your doctor for any medical questions.
How does an infrared cabin work and how is it used?
In our infrared cabins we use radiators, which are heated electrically. The hot surface of the radiators gives off infrared radiation. If this radiation
comes in contact with a body, the not reflected part is heated. This infrared energy is very effective in contrast to other heat methods, because
it only heats the body, which it comes in contact with. So approx. 80 - 85 % of the spent energy directly heats the body and only a small part of
radiant warmth heats the humid particles in the air.
Therefore we recommend:
Use the infrared cabin even with a cabin temperature of 30 - 35 °C, because pre-heating the cabin to 45 - 50 °C is only a waste of energy and takes
a lot of time. Let yourself be warmed up by the infrared radiators at lower cabin temperatures. From the moment you sit in the cabin, the infrared
radiation has got a body to be warmed up. Thus, the cabin reaches the desired temperature much faster.
The first infrared session:
We recommend adapting the cabin temperature to your state of fitness and health. The ideal inside temperature is about 35 - 50 °C. When the in-
side temperature has reached 30 °C, you can already start. The ideal duration of a session is about 30 min with infrared surface heating. When inf-
rared ABC radiators are used with 100 % power, it is about 10 - 15 min (recommended distance between radiator and body: approx. 10 cm). Avoid
continuous exposure to the eyes (i.e. staring into the radiator continuously for more than 15 minutes) and respect a direct minimum distance of
about 70 cm between radiator and eyes. The duration of a session can be increased in case of lower power of the ABC radiators. However you
should not exaggerate in the beginning, adapt the duration of the session to your fitness. Long-standing experience has shown that some of our
customers have had to "learn" how to sweat. During their first sessions, it took more time until they started to sweat profusely. After several
sessions of regularly using the cabin the body will get used to sweating. After a phase of getting used to sweating, you will reach a higher sweat
volume in an infrared cabin than in a sauna. For this reason, it is enough to use it once. We recommend using the cabin twice or three times a
week with a break of a day between the sessions. Do not take any substances, which suppress the natural sensitivity to heat and pain (e.g.:
alcohol, drugs, medicine). If you feel too much heat on certain skin areas, simply change your sitting position.
Hygiene and cleaning:
- Always put towels onto the bench.
- For easier cleaning, we recommend to always placing towels or a heat resistant plastic mat on the floor.
A cork floor that can be wiped is also highly recommendable.
- The cabin should be cleaned regularly. Sauna cleaning agents are best for cleaning.
Always take the mains plug out of the socket before cleaning!
- The padding of the backrests is made of antibacterial synthetic leather, which is watertight, flame-retardant, sweat and mould resistant.
Cleaning: Please do not use aggressive cleaners for the back padding, but ideally soapsuds.
Note: After a short time, synthetic leather can show discolouration even with proper use.
Where and how do I assemble the infrared cabin?
For the use of an infrared cabin, you need a simple socket and an area of 1-2 m². It can easily be integrated in living, fitness or cellar rooms as
well as in bathrooms. You do not need a ventilation outlet and can put the cabin on a parquet, tiled, PVC or laminated floor (please place cabins
with integrated salt evaporator only on a tiled or PVC floor). The short preheating time and low current consumption (even from 1600 W/h) make
energy-conscious sweating possible.
Tests and certificates:
The VITALlight ABC infrared radiators were tested by the Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf in 2016, according to international guidelines
and limiting values, and received a positive report. The cabins and elements are continuously tested in the TÜV test laboratories according to the
international guidelines and safety regulations. A yearly TÜV control of our production sites guarantees constant production quality.
For the well-being of body and mind



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