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General Safety Instructions - Fisher-Price FP5000 Gebruikershandleiding

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General Safety Instructions

Keep these instructions with the car seat in case you need to refer to them again in the
future. Failure to follow these instructions may affect your child's safety.
Your car seat must be positioned and installed so that, under normal vehicle usage conditions,
no part can become jammed under or between any moveable seat or in the vehicle door.
Always replace the booster car seat after any accident in case of any unseen damage.
Do not modify or add to your car seat in any way without the approval of a competent
authority or the manufacturer, as this will void any warranty.
Shade your car seat from sunlight to avoid hot items causing injury to your child.
Do not leave your child unattended while in the car seat and in the vehicle.
Make sure there is no loose luggage or other large objects that are likely to cause injuries in
the event of an accident. These may cause injury to other occupants.
Always secure loose items.
Do not use the car seat without the seat cover.
Do not replace the seat cover with any cover other than the one recommended by the
manufacturer, as it directly influences the safety performance of the car seat.
Ensure the adult seat belt is always connected.
Store your car seat in the rear boot storage area when your child is not in the car seat.
An unsecured car seat can cause injuries in the event of a collision.
If you are in any doubt about any part of the installation or proper use of your car seat,
please contact the manufacturer of the car seat.



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