Normale versies van ISDN en IOS-vertaalregels kunnen worden gebruikt om TDM-switching in te
debug van gedetailleerde vertaling—informatie over de werking van de IOS vertaalregels
zodat cijfermanipulaties van aangeroepen of aangeroepen getallen kunnen worden gevolgd.
debug ISDN Q931-displays informatie over de installatie van oproepen en het uitvallen van
ISDN-netwerkverbindingen (Layer 3) tussen de lokale router (gebruikerszijde) en het netwerk.
Deze opdrachtoutput zijn sporen voor debug vertaling gedetailleerd (IOS vertaalregel debugging)
en debug isdn q931 ingeschakeld voor een spraakoproep op poort 6/0 die is overgeschakeld op
poort 6/3.
multi-5-19#debug translation detailed
*Jan 1 00:20:53.215: ISDN Se6/0:15: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x1D79
*Jan 1 00:20:53.215: Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
*Jan 1 00:20:53.215: Channel ID i = 0xA18395
*Jan 1 00:20:53.215: Called Party Number i = 0x80, '98842304',
Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
!--- Receive a setup message on interface 6/0:15 for a !--- speech call with a called number of
98842304. !--- Speech call is indicated by the bearer capability of 0x8090A3 : !--- 64 Kbps A-
law PCM audio/speech. !--- IOS Translation rule number 1 prepends '555' to the original !---
called number when it passes through port 6/0.
00:20:53.219: xrule_checking calling , called 98842304 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: xrule_checking
peer_tag 0, direction 1, protocol 6 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: xrule_translation *Jan 1 00:20:53.219:
xrule_translation callednumber 98842304, strlen 8 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: xrule_translation
callednumber 98842304 xruleCalledTag=1 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: xrule_translation called Callparms
Numpertype 0x80, match_type 0x0 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: xrule_translation Xrule index 1, Numpertype
0x9 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: dpMatchString, target_number 98842304, match_number ^.% *Jan 1
00:20:53.219: dpMatchString match_tmp , match_len 0 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: dpMatchString
beginning_replace 0, match_tmp ,target 98842304 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: dpMatchString 1. target
98842304,match_tmp *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: dpMatchString 1.1 compare_len 0, target 98842304,
match_tmp *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: dpMatchString 5. match_len=compare_len 0, target 98842304 *Jan 1
00:20:53.219: replace_string *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string match ^.%, replace 555 *Jan 1
00:20:53.219: translation_format replace_rule ^.%, strip_proceeding 0 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219:
replace_string match_tmp ^.%, strip_proceeding 0 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string match_tmp
*Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string direction 1, callparty 2 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string
direction 1, callparty 2, target 98842304 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string match_tmp ,replace
555 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string2.replace1,target98842304,current98842304,match_tmp *Jan
1 00:20:53.219: replace_string2.1 compare_len 0,match_len 0 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string
3. replace1 , compare_len 0 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string 4. replace1 5,compare_len -
1,replace 55 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string 4. replace1 55,compare_len -2,replace 5 *Jan 1
00:20:53.219: replace_string 4. replace1 555,compare_len -3,replace *Jan 1 00:20:53.219:
replace_string 5.replace1 555, compare_len -3,match_len 0 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string 6.
replace1 555,compare_len -3,current 98842304 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string 7. replace1
5559 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string 7. replace1 55598 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string
7. replace1 555988 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string 7. replace1 5559884 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219:
replace_string 7. replace1 55598842 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string 7. replace1 555988423
*Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string 7. replace1 5559884230 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string
7. replace1 55598842304 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: replace_string buffer 55598842304 *Jan 1
00:20:53.219: xrule_translation index 1,xrule_number 55598842304, callparty 2 *Jan 1
00:20:53.219: xrule_translation Return rc = 0 *Jan 1 00:20:53.219: xrule_checking Return rc = 0
*Jan 1 00:20:53.223: ISDN Se6/0:15: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x9D79 *Jan 1 00:20:53.223:
Channel ID i = 0xA98395
Se6/3:15: TX -> SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0005 *Jan 1 00:20:53.227: Bearer Capability i =
0x8090A3 *Jan 1 00:20:53.227: Channel ID i = 0xA9839F *Jan 1 00:20:53.227: Called Party Number i
= 0x80, '0401890165', Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown
peer !--- and a new call is sent out on 6/3:15.
CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0x8005 *Jan 1 00:20:53.371: Channel ID i = 0xA1839F *Jan 1
00:20:53.371: ISDN Se6/3:15: RX <- ALERTING pd = 8 callref = 0x8005
second (outgoing) call leg.
0x9D79 *Jan 1 00:20:53.375: Progress Ind i = 0x8188 - In-band info or appropriate now available
!--- Send a call proceeding back to the ISDN.
*Jan 1 00:20:53.375: ISDN Se6/0:15: TX -> ALERTING pd = 8 callref =
*Jan 1 00:20:53.219: xrule_checking *Jan 1
!--- Match has been made on outgoing POTS dial-
*Jan 1 00:20:53.371: ISDN Se6/3:15: RX <-
*Jan 1 00:20:53.227: ISDN
!--- Receive alerting on the