10 . This product is suitable for use for the following temperature ranges:
–40 to +80 °C . This range may vary in a chemical environment .
In that case the advice of the manufacturer or supplier shall be
sought . Changing the environmental temperature during transport
may affect the forces in the lashing . Check the tension force after
entering warm areas .
11 . Lashing straps shall be rejected or returned to the manufacturer for
repair if they show any signs of damage .
The following criteria are considered to be signs of damage:
Only lashing bearing identification labels shall be repaired;
If there is any accidental contact with chemical products, lashing
straps shall be removed from service and the manufacturer or
supplier shall be consulted;
for lashing straps (to be rejected): tears, cuts, nicks and breaks in
load bearing fibres and retaining stitches; deformations resulting
from exposure to heat;
for end fittings and tensioning devices: deformations, splits,
pronounced signs of wear, signs of corrosion .